Blog Articles

How to Deal With Self-Sabotaging Beliefs
Self-sabotaging beliefs are insidious thoughts that tell you that you’re not good enough, can’t do it, or are not...

9 Healthy Tips to Help Cope with Anxiety
If you struggle with anxiety on a daily basis, you may find yourself using unhealthy methods, such as alcohol,...

How to Make Major Decisions When You Are Anxious
Even if you don’t read much poetry, you probably know The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. Generations of students have...
Put Your Self-Value First
Do you depend on a result to make you feel a certain way about yourself?
Are You in Love Poverty?
When you’re in love poverty, you tend to highlight the good and minimize the bad in your relationship. You tell yourself that the nice things he’s done for you are SO AMAZING. Ultimately, you don’t believe that you deserve better. That’s love poverty.
Breaking Generational Cycles of Dysfunction
When you’re a woman who works on yourself in therapy, you’re able to break cycles of dysfunction that have persisted for many generations.
Inching Toward Goals
This little guy hitched a ride with me from the garden center. As I watched him traverse the landscape of my hand, I...
Are You Caring For Your New Mental Garden?
Thoughts are New Plants I have a baby milkweed plant in my garden. This is my third attempt at growing milkweed - the...
The Way Out
Full disclosure: I’ve had a rough month. Grief. Heartache. Loss. Anger. Frustration. Discouragement. I don’t like...
What’s Keeping You From Reaching Out for Therapy: Part Un
Let's talk about how your thoughts about your circumstances keep you from asking for support in therapy. Sure, you...
“Normal Weight” Does Not Automatically Mean “Good Health”
As women, we rely so readily on the number on the scale as an indicator for our good or bad health. After all, we're...
“Follow What Lights You Up”
I always encourage my clients to create lives they love, independent of having a romantic relationship. That could...